Get a good understanding of RS gold his moves and dodge accordingly, I would also reccommend having a kyatt bag and around 20 scrolls because it simplifies things, take your tort off when you've eaten all your food then summon the kyatt. Pray piety for the majority of the fight as well as piety and protect from melee at the closing.
My stats are much lower than yours and I was able to melee him easily (with rapier and ddef) I ended up needing more like 10 brews and other rocktails. I was close enough that I should manage fine with your increased stats. If you think the healing inadequate, you may move towards brewing. However, what I suggested will cost you around 250k per attempt, versus the 400-500k you get from brews. Therefore, it's worth a try with rocks I think. They are also easier to manage because your stats will remain elevated and you do not need to be concerned about keeping track of a 3-1 ratio when eating.
I was just browsing and found PC very interesting. I'll attempt to obtain void. How long will it take? I'd like to know the it is, and what bow... ( Does D Bow count as my most effective? ?)... and also if my arrows will come through me by the cheap OSRS gold conclusion of the game. Also the helm, could an arma helm work better? Arrows do not return to you after the conclusion to the end of. I've heard that void lasts between 7-14hrs. I did not bother recording time however it was around 10 hours. I highly do not recommend using void especially if you're planning on renewing your membership.
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